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American Accent Tutorial: How to Pronounce NG | N vs. NG


Do you pronounce NG with G sound? Perhaps you're not sure how the NG sound and N sound are different? Well, this American accent tutorial is for you! In this pronunciation lesson, you will learn how to pronounce NG and how this sound is different from N. Be sure to grab your free 100 Common NG Words PDF practice list!

Key Takeaways:

1) It is important to consider airflow and tongue placement for the NG Sound. NG is a nasal consonant, meaning airflows through the nose for this sound. The back of the tongue raises up to meet the soft palate to make this sound. 

2) When this sound is at the end of a word, hold the tongue position and do not let the back of the tongue drop back down to make a /g/ or /k/ sound.

3) The tongue position for N and NG are very different. Learn the different tongue positions to help distinguish these sounds.

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